Time has come to comment AIRBOX, the pre-dryer machinery by Biancalani, data at hand, as they say. Biancalani has patented its ultimate system and was pretty much sure that AIRBOX was going to be a finishing production line upgrading for good – in fact, it makes it possible to increase the potential of any production line. The client, on the other hand, had see it first hand. During ITMA 2019, “impossible” was a comment uttered quite often, but Biancalani has kept their word, according to the company tradition.
Now some clients have included AIRBOX in their production lines and do confirm assumptions, or better certainties Biancalani had presented: very high production capacity, low costs and a considerable energy saving in keeping with sustainability. Plus, super compact size. At last, thanks to AIRBOX the client knows that high productivity doesn’t mean high production costs and has discovered AIRBOX effective skills. Field tests speak clearly of exceeded expectations. And they were quite high. In Portugal, for instance, AIRBOX machineries have boosted production of +50%. While reducing costs.
Going into details, AIRBOX has been created to match with AIRO®24 – the machineries are based on the same know how – but it can be included in any production line. In fact, during AIRBOX drying process the fabric is high-speed guided through vertical channels where it keeps a close contact with air, while remaining stable. Furthermore, very compact dimensions ensure no waste of space, while the quantity of water casted away by hot air can reach 8 tons per day, depending on the fabric.

Such figures make one think of the first and foremost application of AIRBOX skills, i.e. terry towel production, which is based on drying performance. AIRBOX highly increases that performance: if matched with traditional drying machineries, it makes terry towel loops voluminous and soft, without affecting their drying power (more info right here). If Biancalani already was a favorite over the hand of the best worldwide terry towel producers, now precisely AIRBOX confirms that innovation and the will to take another step forward are the company’s fundamentals.
Some months ago, the terry towel market was already thriving, but worldwide interest in home décor will probably send it soaring very soon. Biancalani had already anticipated the times and is preparing to do it again. Because now that AIRBOX has proven successful and has wiped away all those “impossible” utterings, it’s all about the next step. And Biancalani is about to bet on it: what could AIRBOX do as a stand-alone machinery in other branches of the textile business?

Write us to get more information or to request a test on your fabrics.

At Biancalani we do a lot more for you than just building machines. We listen to your advice and desires and make it easy for you to reach your goals offering you our past as a present: we strive to be part of your future.